The Overseas Animation Supervisor is responsible for the supervision and leadership of the overseas animation team. They would be situated in the collaborating animation company in order to have a direct line of communication between the parent studio’s animation director and the overseas animation animation team. In collaboration with the Directors and Animation Director, the Overseas Animation Supervisor maintaining the continuity of performance throughout a show/feature within the overseas animation studio. The Overseas Animation Supervisor would relocate to the overseas animation studio and operate communications from there.
To succeed at this job, you need:
Several years experience in the Animation department. A thorough understanding of animation techniques and technologies.
Indepth knowledge of CG software tools.
Excellent aesthetic judgments – keen understanding of composition, cinematic design and working to live action constraints and performances.
Excellent spatial awareness and a feel for movement and timing. With a keen eye for Weight, Balance, understanding of animation principles and aesthetics in motion.
Excellent performance judgments, Can give constructive feedback that enhances choreography and the performance.
Great organizational skills and ability to manage a very busy team with, while meeting production timetables and budgets.
Several years experience in the Animation department. Excellent showreel proving proficient knowledge of animation.
Career Path from Overseas Animation Supervisor: Episode Director, CG Supervisor, Head of Animation Department.
Education Routes: Animation Supervisors often have a degree in Animation, Motion Design, or Visual Effects but can also come for cognate areas such as, Film Studies, or Games.
Not an entry-level role. Show reel and senior animation experience are important here.